Citer cet article
Daly, Tamara, et al. « Prescriptive or Interpretive Regulation at the Frontlines of Care Work in the “Three Worlds” of Canada, Germany and Norway. » Labour / Le Travail, volume 77, 2016, p. 37–71.
Daly, T., Struthers, J., Müller, B., Taylor, D., Goldmann, M., Doupe, M. & Jacobsen, F. F. (2016). Prescriptive or Interpretive Regulation at the Frontlines of Care Work in the “Three Worlds” of Canada, Germany and Norway. Labour / Le Travail, 77, 37–71.
- Chicago
Daly, Tamara, Struthers, Jim, Müller, Beatrice, Taylor, Deanne, Goldmann, Monka, Doupe, Malcolm et Jacobsen, Frobe F. « Prescriptive or Interpretive Regulation at the Frontlines of Care Work in the “Three Worlds” of Canada, Germany and Norway ». Labour / Le Travail 77, (2016) : 37–71.
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