Citer cet article
Brophy, Enda. « Revisiting the Digital Assembly Line: New Perspectives on Call Centre Work / Labour Markets and Identity on the Post-Industrial Assembly Line / Answer the Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centres / Call Centers and the Global Division of Labor: A Political Economy of Post-Industrial Employment and Union Organizing. » Labour / Le Travail, volume 75, 2015, p. 211–230.
Brophy, E. (2015). Revisiting the Digital Assembly Line: New Perspectives on Call Centre Work / Labour Markets and Identity on the Post-Industrial Assembly Line / Answer the Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centres / Call Centers and the Global Division of Labor: A Political Economy of Post-Industrial Employment and Union Organizing. Labour / Le Travail, 75, 211–230.
- Chicago
Brophy, Enda « Revisiting the Digital Assembly Line: New Perspectives on Call Centre Work / Labour Markets and Identity on the Post-Industrial Assembly Line / Answer the Call: Virtual Migration in Indian Call Centres / Call Centers and the Global Division of Labor: A Political Economy of Post-Industrial Employment and Union Organizing ». Labour / Le Travail 75, (2015) : 211–230.
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