Citer cet article
Newhook, Julia T., et al. « Employment-Related Mobility and the Health of Workers, Families, and Communities: The Canadian Context. » Labour / Le Travail, volume 67, printemps 2011, p. 121–156.
Newhook, J. T., Neis, B., Jackson, L., Roseman, S. R., Romanow, P. & Vincent, C. (2011). Employment-Related Mobility and the Health of Workers, Families, and Communities: The Canadian Context. Labour / Le Travail, 67, 121–156.
- Chicago
Newhook, Julia T., Neis, Barbara, Jackson, Lois, Roseman, Sharon R., Romanow, Paula et Vincent, Chrissy « Employment-Related Mobility and the Health of Workers, Families, and Communities: The Canadian Context ». Labour / Le Travail 67, (2011) : 121–156.
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