Citer cet article
Butovsky, Jonah et Murray E. Smith. « The State of the Unions / L'État des syndicats: Beyond Social Unionism: Farm Workers in Ontario and Some Lessons from Labour History. » Labour/Le Travailleur, volume 59, printemps 2007, p. 69–98.
Butovsky, J. & Smith, M. E. (2007). The State of the Unions / L'État des syndicats: Beyond Social Unionism: Farm Workers in Ontario and Some Lessons from Labour History. Labour/Le Travailleur, 59, 69–98.
- Chicago
Butovsky, Jonah et Smith, Murray E. « The State of the Unions / L'État des syndicats: Beyond Social Unionism: Farm Workers in Ontario and Some Lessons from Labour History ». Labour/Le Travailleur 59, (2007) : 69–98.
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