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Stokes, Lawrence D. « Fact or Fiction? German Writer A.E. Johann, a Winnipeg Communist, and the Depression in the Canadian West, 1931-1932. » Labour/Le Travail, volume 57, numéro 1, printemps 2006, p. 131–142.
Stokes, L. D. (2006). Fact or Fiction? German Writer A.E. Johann, a Winnipeg Communist, and the Depression in the Canadian West, 1931-1932. Labour/Le Travail, 57(1), 131–142.
- Chicago
Stokes, Lawrence D. « Fact or Fiction? German Writer A.E. Johann, a Winnipeg Communist, and the Depression in the Canadian West, 1931-1932 ». Labour/Le Travail 57, no 1 (2006) : 131–142.
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