Labour/Le Travailleur

Volume 46, 2000

Sommaire (16 articles)

Contributors / Collaborateurs

Editor's Note / Note du Directeur

Institutions & Ideas

  1. Some Millennial Reflections on the State of Canadian Labour History
  2. Industrial Relations at the Millennium: Beyond Employment?
  3. For a New Kind of History: A Reconnaissance of 100 Years of Canadian Socialism

Gender, Family & Sex

  1. Feminism and the Making of Canadian Working-Class History: Exploring the Past, Present and Future
  2. "The History of Us": Social Science, History, and the Relations of Family in Canada
  3. Bumping and Grinding On the Line: Making Nudity Pay

Law, Industrial Relations, and the State

  1. Pluralism or Fragmentation?: The Twentieth-Century Employment Law Regime in Canada
  2. La grève de l'amiante de 1949 et le projet de réforme de l'entreprise. Comment le patronat a défendu son droit de gérance

The National Question

  1. Political Economy and the Canadian Working Class: Marxism or Nationalist Reformism?
  2. "Rapprocher les lieux du pouvoir": The Québec Labour Movement and Québec Sovereigntism, 1960-2000


  1. Labour/Left Memorabilia, 1880-1980: A Photographic Representation
  2. Short Takes: The Canadian Worker on Film
  3. Canadian Universities, Academic Freedom, Labour, and the Left

Abstracts / Résumés

Anciens numéros de Labour/Le Travailleur