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Danylewycz, Marta et Alison Prentice. « Teachers' Work: Changing Patterns and Perceptions in the Emerging School Systems of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Central Canada. » Labour/Le Travailleur, volume 17, 1986, p. 59–82.
Danylewycz, M. & Prentice, A. (1986). Teachers' Work: Changing Patterns and Perceptions in the Emerging School Systems of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Central Canada. Labour/Le Travailleur, 17, 59–82.
- Chicago
Danylewycz, Marta et Prentice, Alison « Teachers' Work: Changing Patterns and Perceptions in the Emerging School Systems of Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Central Canada ». Labour/Le Travailleur 17, (1986) : 59–82.
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