Language and Literacy
Langue et littératie

Volume 26, numéro 1, 2024

Sommaire (5 articles)


  1. Implantation d’un programme d’éveil à la lecture et à l’écriture dans les services de garde en milieu scolaire : vocabulaire, compréhension orale, processus inférentiels et engagement face aux livres
  2. The Effect of Explicit Instruction on the Acquisition of Words’ Visual Aspects By Second-Grade French-Speaking Children
  3. Reviewing School District and Caregiver Engagement: Toward Building Capacity to Serve English Learners
  4. Analyzing High School Students’ Mulitmodal Compositions with Digital Media Platforms Using Metafunctions
  5. 'Not Reading Just Seems Crazy to Me': Religious Youths’ Textual Ideologies of Sacred Texts


Anciens numéros de Language and Literacy / Langue et littératie