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Biographical note
Krupali Uplekar Krusche is the associate dean for research, scholarship, and creative work and director of DHARMA (Digital Historic Architectural Research and Material Analysis) research team specializing in 3D documentation of World Heritage Sites like the Taj Mahal, Roman Forum, and the Cortile del Belvedere, Vatican, using advanced mapping techniques. The first of the two books on the Forum, titled From Pen to Pixel Studies of the Roman Forum and the Digital Future of World Heritage, has been published recently (co-edited with Patrizia Fortini, L’Erma Di Bretschneidespring, 2021). She has also co-authored (with Vinayak Bharne) a book titled Rediscovering the Hindu Temple: The Sacred Architecture and Urbanism of India (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012). She teaches urban and architectural design and digital documentation at the School of Architecture, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.