Photography in Children’s Literature, edited by Elina Druker and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer (John Benjamins, 2023) offers a transnational investigation of children’s photography spanning from the early 1870s to the late 1980s. It sets itself apart from many counterparts because of its wide range of analyzed topics, genres, and artistic techniques. This edited volume is recommended for all researchers and scholars interested in the transnationality of childhood politics and how photographs and children’s picturebooks play a vital role in promoting powerful transnational children’s images.
- children's literature,
- photography,
- childhood politics,
- avant-garde movement
Parties annexes
- Barker, J., & Smith, F. (2012). What’s in focus? A critical discussion of photography, children, and young people. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15(2), 91–103. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2012.649406
- Behdad, A. (2020). Camera orientalis: Reflections on photography of the Middle East. University of Chicago Press.
- Brewster, T. (2023). American childhood: A photographic history. Scribner.
- Druker, E., & Kümmerling-Meibauer, B. (2023). Photography in children’s literature. John Benjamins.
- Duncum, P. (2023). Images of childhood: A visual history from stone to screen. Bloomsbury.
- Holmes, R. (2005). Exploring representations of children and childhood in photography and documentary: Visualizing the silence. In L. Jones, R. Holmes, & J. Powell (Eds.), Early childhood studies: A multiprofessional perspective (pp. 164–182). McGraw-Hill UK.