This article examines Genni Gunn’s writing in light of her childhood immigration experience and contends that, despite the crypto-ethnic approach she has adopted vis-à-vis her Italian-Canadian heritage, migration figures prominently in both her fictional and personal works, which bear traces of her autobiographical vicissitudes and reflect her own process of coming to terms with trauma. Indeed, her novels, stories, poems, and travel accounts all develop along shared trajectories, which include not only the obsession with travel, movement, and memory, or the search for identity and interpersonal ties, but also the focus on loss, grief, and abandonment, which are typical psychopathologies of migration trauma. Ultimately, Gunn embraces creative writing as a site of healing from the loss and pain endured as an effect of separation, abandonment, and migration, which are investigated beyond identification with a specific ethno-cultural group to encompass universal human experiences of trauma.
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Parties annexes
- De Luca, Anna Pia. “I personaggi itineranti di Genni Gunn: tra spazio e memoria in cerca d’identità.” In Alessandra Ferraro, ed., Dal Friuli alle Americhe. Studi di amici e allievi udinesi per Silvana Serafin. Udine: Forum, 2015, 73–83. Online at https://forumeditrice.it/percorsi/lingua-e-letteratura/tracce/dal-friuli-alle-americhe/i-personaggi-itineranti-di-genni-gunn-tra-spazio-e.
- De Luca, Anna Pia, and Deborah Saidero. “Esperienze di scrittura migrante a confronto: le testimonianze di tre scrittrici canadesi di origine friulana.” Oltreoceano 2 (2008): 33–47.
- Gunn, Genni. Accidents. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2022.
- Gunn, Genni. Faceless. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2007.
- Gunn, Genni. Hungers. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2002.
- Gunn, Genni. “Imagining Home: Chamber Music for Migration. For Voices without Accompaniment; Originally Composed for the Home.” Sepia Quarterly 1 (Spring 2022): 73–83.
- Gunn, Genni. Mating in Captivity. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press, 1993.
- Gunn, Genni. “Necessary Passions – Music to Language: A Translation.” In Venera Fazio and Delia De Santis, eds., Exploring Voice: Italian Canadian Female Writers, special issue of Italian Canadiana 30 (2016): 181–185. Online at https://doi.org/10.33137/ic.v30i.39476.
- Gunn, Genni. On the Road. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1991.
- Gunn, Genni. Permanent Tourists. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2020.
- Gunn, Genni. Solitaria. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2010.
- Gunn, Genni. Thrice Upon a Time. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press, 1990.
- Gunn, Genni. Tracing Iris. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2001.
- Gunn, Genni. Tracks: Journeys in Time and Place. Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2013.
- Hutcheon, Linda. “A Crypto-Ethnic Confession.” In Joseph Pivato, ed., The Anthology of Italian-Canadian Writing. Toronto: Guernica, 1998, 314–323.
- Saidero, Deborah. “Le maschere dell’io: identità transculturale nella poesia italo-canadese.” Oltreoceano 3 (2009): 87–93.
- Saidero, Deborah. “Utopias of Self in Imaginary Homelands.” Oltreoceano 19 (2022): 83–89.
- Terzian, Sylvia, and Veronica Austen. “Locating the Traveller: Genni Gunn and Nostalgia on the Move.” In Gabriel Niccoli, ed., Patterns of Nostos in Italian Canadian Narratives, special issue of Italian Canadiana 35 (2021): 223–238. Online at https://doi.org/10.33137/ic.v35i0.37230.
- Theisen-Womersley, Gail. Trauma and Resilience Among Displaced Populations: A Sociocultural Exploration. Champagne, IL: Springer, 2021. Online at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-67712-1.
- Wagner-Lawlor, Jennifer A. Postmodern Utopias and Feminist Fictions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Woodward, Kath. Understanding Identity. London: Arnold, 2002.
- Johnston, Doug. “Review of Tracks: Journeys in Time and Place.” Signature Editions, accessed 25/03/2023. Online at http://www.signature-editions.com/index.php/reviews/single_review/tracks_winnipeg_free_press.
- Margarese, Ivana. “Alla Ricerca di Iris di Genni Gunn. Dialogo con la scrittrice.” Navigazione 4 (2022). Online at https://www.vocidallisola.it/2022/09/15/alla-ricerca-di-iris-di-genni-gunn-dialogo-con-la-scrittrice/.