The composition and performance practice of the Canadian composer Brian Cherney’s music is contextualized in interviews with violist Marina Thibeault, pianist Julia Den Boer, and percussionist Paul Vaillancourt. These three musicians performed major works by Cherney in “Illuminations: Brian Cherney at 75” to celebrate the work and life of the composer. All three interviewees analyze the challenges presented by Cherney’s scores and discuss the ways they found inspiration in the interpretation of the music.
La composition et l’interprétation de la musique du compositeur canadien Brian Cherney sont mises en contexte au moyen d’entrevues avec l’altiste Marina Thibeault, la pianiste Julia Den Boer et le percussionniste Paul Vaillancourt. Ces trois musiciens ont interprété des oeuvres importantes de Cherney pour Illuminations: Brian Cherney at 75 visant à célébrer l’oeuvre et la vie du compositeur. Ils analysent tous les trois les défis que posent les partitions de Cherney et discutent des formes d’inspiration qu’ils ont trouvées dans l’interprétation de sa musique.
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Biographical note
Aiyun Huang holds a DMA from the University of California, San Diego, where she taught between 2004 and 2006. Between 2006 and 2017 she led the percussion program at McGill University, transforming the studio into one of international reputation. She is an associate professor and the head of the percussion program at the University of Toronto, where she continues the legacy established by Nexus.
- Cherney, Brian. 1976. String Trio. Toronto.
- Cherney, Brian. 1981. Playing for Time. Montreal.
- Cherney, Brian. 1992. Shekhinah. Saint-Nicolas, QC: Les éditions Doberman-Yppan.
- Cherney, Brian. 2006. In Gottes Gärten schweigen die Engel. Montreal.
- Cherney, Brian. 2017. “Program Notes.” Illuminations: Brian Cherney at 75. Montreal: McGill University.
- Marrus, Michael R. 1987. The Holocaust in History. Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys.
- Rilke, Rainer Maria. 2009. The Poetry of Rilke, translated by Edward A. Snow. New York: North Point.
- Rodal, Alti. 1988. “Finding Truth through History: The First Survey of Holocaust Historians Helps Dispel the Myths about a Horror beyond Belief.” Montreal Gazette, 19 March. [Review of Marrus 1987.]