Parties annexes
- Cheng, William. 2014. Sound Play: Video Games and the Musical Imagination. New York : Oxford University Press.
- Collins, Karen. 2008. From Pac-Man to Pop Music: Interactive Audio in Games and New Media. Aldershot : Ashgate.
- Collins, Karen. 2008. Game Sound: An Introduction to the History, Theory, and Practice of Video Game Music and Sound Design. Cambridge (MA) : MIT Press.
- Collins, Karen. Playing with Sound: A Theory of Interacting with Sound and Music in Video Games. Cambridge (MA), MIT Press.
- Donnelly, Kevin J., William Gibbons et Neil Lerner (éd.).2014. Music in Video Games: Studying Play. Londres/New York : Routledge.
- Elferen van, Isabella. 2016. « Analysing Game Musical Immersion : The ALI Model ». Ludomusicology sous la dir. de Michiel, Kamp, Tim Summers et Mark Sweeney, 33. Sheffield/Bristol : Equinox
- Fritsch, Melanie. 2016. « «It’s a-me, Mario!» : Playing with Video Game Music ». Ludomusicology sous la dir. de Michiel, Kamp, Tim Summers et Mark Sweeney, 100. Sheffield/Bristol : Equinox
- Gibbons, William . 2016. « Remixed Metaphors : Manipulating Classical Music and its Meanings in Video Games ». Ludomusicology sous la dir. de Michiel, Kamp, Tim Summers et Mark Sweeney, 218. Sheffield/Bristol : Equinox
- Gonzalo Frasca. 1999. « Ludology Meets Narratology : Similitude and Differences between (Video) Games and Narrative ». (consulté le 12 décembre 2017).
- Grimshaw, Mark. 2011. Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction: Concepts and Developments. Hershey : Information Science Reference.
- Huntley, John et Roger Manvell. 1957. The Technique of Film Music. Londres : Focal Press.
- Kamp, Michiel, Tim Summers, Mark Sweeney et Melanie Fritsch, Ludomusicology : Videogame Music Research Group, ( consulté le 12 décembre 2017).
- Moormann, Peter (éd.). 2013. Music and Game: Perspectives on a Popular Alliance. Wiesbaden : Springer.
- Moseley, Roger. 2013. « Playing Games with Music (and Vice Versa): Ludomusicological Perspectives on Guitar Hero and Rock Band ». Taking It to the Bridge: Music as Performance, sous la dir. de N. Cook et R. Pettengill, 279–318. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.
- The Soundtrack. octobre 2015. Intellect, 8, no 1–2,–2-double-special-issue-published/ (consulté le 20 novembre 2017).
- Whalen, Zach. 2007. « Film music vs. Video-Game Music: the Case of Silent Hill ». Music, Sound and Multimedia: From the Live to the Virtual, sous la dir. de J. Sexton, 68–81. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
- Whalen, Zach. 2004. « Play Along—An Approach to Videogame Music ». Game Studies, 4 no 1. [En ligne].