Nursing care is the most critical element in nursing services, which aims to improve the patient’s health status. Ineffective and inefficient care documentation can impact the quality of nursing services. However, the increasingly advanced development of technology provides freedom for the health world to improve the quality of patient-centered services. Educational institutions have also used information technology in learning process activities. As prospective health professionals, students must be equipped with competencies to support their performance. In this study, a web-based nursing care information system was developed to assist students in documenting care activities. The website application was designed to increase student competency in nursing documentation activities to provide high-quality nursing services even though learning is online. The waterfall model approach was used in application design. The design stage started with analyzing application requirements, followed by system design and coding. Next, using a Likert-scale questionnaire, a usability test was performed on 15 beta users to assess the functionality of the application. The results showed that the nursing care website application was easy to use and that students felt satisfied. It is hoped that the website application can be made more attractive by including a decisional support system to make it easier for students to enforce nursing diagnoses on patients.
- online learning,
- nursing education,
- nursing documentation,
- nursing information system,
- web-based application
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