The release of ChatGPT has marked the dawn of a new information revolution that will transform how people communicate and make meaning. However, to date, little is known about the implications of ChatGPT for L2 composition instruction. To address this gap, the present study uses a systematic review design to synthesize available research on the educational potentials of ChatGPT as an instructional assistant, outline the implications of these potentials for L2 writing instruction, and discuss their practical applications. The findings, based on a meta-analysis of 42 research articles, demonstrate that ChatGPT can enhance L2 writing instruction by boosting learners’ motivation, automating instructional tasks, and offering instantaneous, personalized feedback to learners. These findings have important implications for harnessing the instructional potential of generative AI in L2 writing classes.
- artificial intelligence,
- artificial neural network,
- L2 writing,
- AI applications,
- chatbots
Parties annexes
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