A rapid scene indexing method is proposed to improve retrieval performance for students accessing instructional videos. This indexing method is applied to anchor suitable indices to the instructional video so that students can obtain several small lesson units to gain learning mastery. The method also regulates online course progress. These anchored points not only provide students with fast access to specific material but also can link to certain quizzes or problems to show the interactive e-learning content that course developers deposited in the learning management system, which enhances the learning process. This allows students to click on the anchored point to repeat their lesson, or work through the quizzes or problems until they reach formative assessment. Hence, their learning can be guided by the formative assessment results. In order to quickly find the scene to index, some specific description of it was needed. Actually, most of the instructional videos were recorded by teachers, and were part of their PowerPoint presentations. Based on the features of the PowerPoint slides in the instructional videos, such as the title or page number, the specified scene can be found. Since we used specific scene descriptions, it was easy to employ the rapid scene detection method using an image filter and Sobel mask. Finally, we applied an experimental design to check the precision of the scene detection and evaluate user satisfaction. The results showed that rapid scene indexing can definitely assist learners in their online learning; that is, it gives them better learning mastery and provides regulation for the online learning environment.
- Scene detection,
- instructional video,
- anchored or access point,
- mastery learning,
- regulated learning