International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning

Volume 8, numéro 3, novembre 2007

Sommaire (15 articles)


Research Articles

  1. Cross-Cultural Delivery of e-Learning Programmes: Perspectives from Hong Kong
  2. Persistence in University Continuing Education Online Classes
  3. Going the Distance: Towards a new professionalism for full-time distance education faculty at the University of the Philippines
  4. Access to Communication for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing and ESL Students in Blended Learning Courses
  5. OOPS, Turning MIT Opencourseware into Chinese: An analysis of a community of practice of global translators
  6. The Emergence of Open-Source Software in North America
  7. Identifying Effective Pedagogical Approaches for Online Workplace Training: A case study of the South African wood products manufacturing sector
  8. Re-organizing Universities for the Information Age
  9. Same Size Doesn't Fit All: Insights from research on listening skills at the University of the South Pacific (USP)

Research Notes

  1. Combating HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Nigeria: Responses from National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
  2. Lessons from an International e-Learning Project
  3. Incorporating Screencasts In Online Teaching

Book Notes


Anciens numéros de International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning