Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies
Revue d’études interculturelles de l’image

Volume 15, numéro 1, 2024

Witnessing myths and wastes under the nearby sky and poetic panoramas.

Sommaire (7 articles)


  1. Editorial Introduction by Four Hands


  1. Witnessing the Waste Land: A Phenomenological Account of Landscape and its Discontents
  2. Ways of Seeing Nujoom Alghanem’s Nearby Sky (سماء قريبة) and Sharp Tools (آلات حادة) as Docupoetry
  3. The Rise of Keto Man: The Myth of Self-Sufficiency
  4. From Apotheosis to Reverse Conversion: A Posthuman Reading of Euripides’ and Pasolini’s Medea
  5. From Panorama to Parking Garage: An Architectural and Archival History of the Toronto Cyclorama
  6. The Design in the Visualization of Uncertainty, Abstract Modelling and Virtual Photography


Anciens numéros de Imaginations