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Ball, Norman R. « Thorough. An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1982. R.H. Macdonald, Saskatoon, The College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1982. Pp xii, 251, illus., index, select bibliography, ISBN 0-88880-121-1. » HSTC Bulletin, volume 8, numéro 2 (27), décembre–december 1984, p. 160–161.
Ball, N. R. (1984). Compte rendu de [Thorough. An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1982. R.H. Macdonald, Saskatoon, The College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1982. Pp xii, 251, illus., index, select bibliography, ISBN 0-88880-121-1]. HSTC Bulletin, 8(2), 160–161.
- Chicago
Ball, Norman R. « Thorough. An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1982. R.H. Macdonald, Saskatoon, The College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1982. Pp xii, 251, illus., index, select bibliography, ISBN 0-88880-121-1 ». HSTC Bulletin 8, no 2 (1984) : 160–161.
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