Volume 5, numéro 1, 1970 Winnipeg 1970
Sommaire (20 articles)
L’histoire sociale du Bas-Canada : bilan et perspectives de recherches
My Recollections of the West
What, then, is the Manitoban, this New Man? or This Almost Chosen People
The Historiography of the Great West
The Catholic Clergy and the Fur Trade 1585-1685*
Le Canada et la France (1760-1815)
“Pure Books on Avoided Subjects”: Pre-Freudian Sexual Ideas in Canada*
Variations on a Nationalist Theme: Henri Bourassa and Abbé Groulx in the 1920’s
Daniel Webster and the Canadian Rebellions, 1837-1838
A New Deal Experiment with Guided Democracy: the FSA Migrant Camps in California
England vs. Spain in America, 1739-1748: the Spanish Side of the Hill
The Royal Society and “The Ingenious Monsieur Pascal”
The Social Composition of the British House of Commons, 1868-1885
French Policy and the Munich Crisis of 1938: a Reappraisal
The Peasant Element in the Russian Identity
Papers not Printed/Communications non imprimées
List of Members/Liste des membres
Report of the Treasurer/Rapport du trésorier
Annual General Meeting, 1970/L’assemblée générale, 1970
Report of the Local History Section