Récemment arrivé à Québec, le marchand loyaliste d’origine allemande Johann Heinrich Juncken (c. 1735-1802) doit repartir à zéro. L’analyse de son journal personnel révèle sa mentalité et sa stratégie d’intégration. Les notes météorologiques quotidiennes l’aident à s’acclimater. Ses vêtements et sa culture générale lui permettent de s’identifier au groupe des marchands britanniques. Il utilise les actions charitables pour consolider sa position sociale. Ses préjugés contre les Canadiens français relèvent également de sa stratégie d’insertion.
Having emigrated to Québec city in 1787, Johann Heinrich Juncken (c. 1735-1802) a Loyalist merchant of German Origin, must begin life anew. The analysis of his diary reveals his mentality and his strategy for social integration. The daily notes about the weather are a way to familiarize himself with the country. His clothing and his culture help him to identify with the group of British merchants ans his charitable actions also serve to consolidate his social position. His prejudices against French Canadians are also part of the same strategy.
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