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Groulx, Lionel. « The Town of York 1793-1815 — A Collection of Documents of Early Toronto. Edited with an introduction by Edith G. Firth. The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1962. Foreword by John P. Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario; Preface by Edith G. Firth; Introduction, xxxi-xciv; Documents, 3-338; Bibliography and Index, 341-368. » Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, volume 16, numéro 1, juin 1962, p. 135–137.
Groulx, L. (1962). Compte rendu de [The Town of York 1793-1815 — A Collection of Documents of Early Toronto. Edited with an introduction by Edith G. Firth. The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1962. Foreword by John P. Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario; Preface by Edith G. Firth; Introduction, xxxi-xciv; Documents, 3-338; Bibliography and Index, 341-368.] Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 16(1), 135–137.
- Chicago
Groulx, Lionel « The Town of York 1793-1815 — A Collection of Documents of Early Toronto. Edited with an introduction by Edith G. Firth. The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1962. Foreword by John P. Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario; Preface by Edith G. Firth; Introduction, xxxi-xciv; Documents, 3-338; Bibliography and Index, 341-368. ». Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 16, no 1 (1962) : 135–137.
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