The saga of glacial Lake Howley continues... (M.J. Batterson and N.R. Catto, 2001. Topographically-controlled deglacial history of the Humber River basin, western Newfoundland, Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 55: 213-228). I first encountered what became Lake Howley in 1991 when I reviewed a manuscript proposing the brief existence of an 1 850 km2 glacial lake, shortly before 12.3 ka BP, during deglaciation of the basins of Grand Lake and Deer Lake, west central Newfoundland. Another colleague and I concurred with revision of the manuscript then rejection of its successor, based on long lists of objections to the interpretation of evidence, and the non-consideration of alternative scenarios. I suggested the name for the lake, in case its existence could be adequately demonstrated, honoring J.P. Howley, second Director of the Newfoundland Geological Survey, after whom a railway town was named, the site of which was covered by the proposed lake. The rejected paper later appeared in a UK journal (Batterson et al., 1993) with acknowledgement to reviewers for “useful discussion”, thus ensuring that we would not be chosen as reviewers again. I wrote a Discussion of this paper (Brookes, 1995), concisely outlining objections, which were answered by the authors (Batterson et al., 1995). In the same year, on a CANQUA field excursion in western Newfoundland led by two of the authors, the route passed a new exposure which added definitive evidence against the proposed existence, extent, and age of glacial Lake Howley, and which was recognised as such (albeit quietly) by both parties to the dispute (Batterson, 1997; Brookes, 1997). Batterson (1997) and later in a provincial government report (Batterson, 2003), and then in the present paper (Batterson and Catto, 2001, published in 2003, the second author appearing as supervisor of the dissertation), gave glacial Lake Howley a “revised configuration”, reducing its size to 650 km2, and restricting its extent to the trough occupied by Grand Lake, the deepest glacial trough in insular Newfoundland (Batterson and Catto, 2001: 222-223). Overflow northeastwards was obstructed by glacial ice extending to Halls Bay, whereas an outlet was identified at its west extremity, draining into Harrys River lowland. Brookes (1995) objected to this outlet on the grounds that deposits around the supposed western outlet, identified as outwash by Batterson et al. (1993), were previously mapped (and later confirmed) as subglacial (Brookes, 1974; Grant, 1991). These deposits continue southwest along the flank of Harrys River lowland, where an esker system crosses the Indian Head Range through meltwater channels and a glacial trough into the hummocky Robinsons Head moraine inland of Stephenville. Abutting this moraine, a marine kame delta at 29 m is dated at 12.6 ka BP, the radiocarbon date of shells contained in stratified sands deposited nearby in relation to this sea-level (Brookes, 1977). Thus, not only were the “outwash” deposits near the proposed outlet of Lake Howley misinterpreted, but the Harrys River lowland was ice-covered as far as Stephenville at 12.6 ka BP, and could not therefore have been the route followed by Lake Howley overflow. The interpretation of Brookes (1995), based on previous work (Brookes, 1970, 1974, 1977) has been disputed in an obviously self-serving interpretation of radiocarbon dates from further west of Stephenville (Batterson et al., 1995; Bell et al., 2001, 2002), which leaves sufficient time for Harrys River lowland to become an ice-free overflow route of Lake Howley. Apart from differences of interpretation at the Lake Howley outlet and beyond, Batterson and colleagues have omitted consideration of a more parsimonious interpretation of shoreline features above Grand Lake, an objection originally raised by Brookes (1995). Features such as deltas and …
Parties annexes
- Batterson, M.J., 1997. A revised configuration for glacial Lake Howley, p. 64-65. In K. Storey and G. Davidge, eds., The Canadian Association of Geographers, Annual meeting (St. John’s, Newfoundland, August 1997), Program and Abstracts, 231 p.
- ——— 2003. Quaternary Geography and Sedimentology of the Humber River Basin and Adjacent Areas. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, St. John's, Report 03-02, 194 p.
- Batterson, M.J. and Catto, N.R., 2001. Topographically-controlled deglacial history of the Humber River basin, western Newfoundland. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 55: 213-228.
- Batterson, M.J., Liverman, D.G. and Kirby, G.E., 1993. Glacial lake development and marine inundation, Deer Lake area, Newfoundland, Canada: Topographically controlled deglaciation of an interior basin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 8: 327-337.
- ——— 1995. Glacial lake development and marine inundation, Deer Lake area, Newfoundland, Canada: Topographically controlled deglaciation of an interior basin – Reply. Journal of Quaternary Science, 10: 182-184.
- Bell, T., Liverman, D.G.E., Batterson, M.J. and Sheppard, K., 2001. Late Wisconinan stratigraphy and chronology of southern St. George’s Bay, Newfoundland: A re-appraisal. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39: 851-869.
- ——— 2002. Late Wisconsinan stratigraphy and chronology of southern St. George’s Bay, Newfoundland: A reappraisal: Reply. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39: 1843-1845.
- Brookes, I.A. 1970. The Glaciation of Southwestern Newfoundland. Ph.D. Dissertation, McGill University, Montréal, 208 p.
- ——— 1974. Late-Wisconsin Glaciation of Southwestern Newfoundland (With Special Reference to the Stephenville Map-Area). Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Paper 73-40, 31 p.
- ——— 1977. Radiocarbon age of Robinsons Head moraine, west Newfoundland and its significance for postglacial sea-level changes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 14: 2121-2126.
- ——— 1995. Glacial lake development and marine inundation, Deer Lake area, Newfoundland: Topographically controlled deglaciation of an interior basin – Discussion. Journal of Quaternary Science, 10: 180-182
- ——— 1997. The short life and early demise of glacial Lake Howley, p. 78-79. In K. Storey and G. Davidge, eds., The Canadian Association of Geographers, Annual meeting (St. John’s, Newfoundland, August 1997), Program and Abstracts, 231 p.
- Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Map 1737A, Scale 1:250 000.
- Liverman D.G.E. and St. Croix, L., 1989. Ice flow indicators on the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, St. John's, Open File Map 89-36.