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Dubois, Jean-Marie. « Barrett, Eric C., Brown, Krystyna, A. et Micallef, Anton (réd.) (1991) : Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Costal Applications in the Mediteranean Region. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia, xii + 240 p., 68 fig., 34 tabl., 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 45$ US. ISBN 2-88124-809-8. » Géographie physique et Quaternaire, volume 46, numéro 3, 1992, p. 392–393.
Dubois, J.-M. (1992). Compte rendu de [Barrett, Eric C., Brown, Krystyna, A. et Micallef, Anton (réd.) (1991) : Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Costal Applications in the Mediteranean Region. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia, xii + 240 p., 68 fig., 34 tabl., 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 45$ US. ISBN 2-88124-809-8.] Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 46(3), 392–393.
- Chicago
Dubois, Jean-Marie « Barrett, Eric C., Brown, Krystyna, A. et Micallef, Anton (réd.) (1991) : Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Costal Applications in the Mediteranean Region. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia, xii + 240 p., 68 fig., 34 tabl., 15,5 x 23,5 cm, 45$ US. ISBN 2-88124-809-8. ». Géographie physique et Quaternaire 46, no 3 (1992) : 392–393.
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