Géographie physique et Quaternaire

Volume 44, numéro 3, 1990 The Last? Interglaciation in Canada Le dernier (?) interglaciaire au Canada Sous la direction de Robert J. Mott et John V. Matthews

Sommaire (15 articles)

  1. The Last? Interglaciation in Canada
  2. Les prix de l’Association québécoise pour l’étude du Quaternaire 1989 et 1990


  1. The Prospects and Promises of “Interglaciations”


  1. Sangamonian Forest History and Climate in Atlantic Canada
  2. The Sangamonian Pointe-Fortune Site, Ontario-Québec Border
  3. Interglacial Beds at Toronto, Ontario
  4. Late Pleistocene Vertebrate, Plant and Insect Remains from the lnnerkip Site, Southwestern Ontario
  5. Paleoecology of Organic Deposits of Probable Last Interglacial Age in Northern Ontario
  6. Sangamon and Pre-Sangamon Interglaciations in the Hudson Bay Lowlands of Manitoba
  7. Last Interglacial Muir Point Formation, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
  8. The Last (Koy-Yukon) Interglaciation in the Northern Yukon: Evidence from Unit 4 at Ch’ijee’s Bluff, Bluefish Basin
  9. Paleosols of the Interglacial Climates in Canada
  10. Vertebrates of the Last Interglaciation in Canada: A Review, with New Data


  1. Amino Acid Evidence Indicating Two or More Ages of Pre-Holocene Nonglacial Deposits In Hudson Bay Lowland, Northern Ontario
  1. Index du volume 44 — 1990

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