Volume 40, numéro 4, 2013
Sommaire (17 articles)
Front Matter
GAC Presidential Address
Paul F. Hoffman Series
New Series
Harold Williams Series
GAC-MAC 2014: Field Guide Summary
Devonian Intrusion-Related Mineralization in Southwestern New Brunswick: Mount Pleasant Sn-W-Mo-Zn-In and Clarence Stream Au-Sb Deposits
Tectono-Stratigraphic Setting of Base-Metal Deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada
The On-going Saint John Geology Enigma: Avalonia Versus Ganderia in Southern New Brunswick
Sedimentological, Structural and Paleontological Highlights of the Carboniferous Maritimes Basin in Southern New Brunswick
Geology of the Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick:: Precambrian to Early Cambrian and Triassic Formations
Geoheritage and Geotourism in Stonehammer Geopark: North America’s First Global Geopark