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Gussow, W. H. « W.H. Collins (1878-1937), Stellar Canadian Geologist:: Reading the Rocks, the Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972 By Morris Zaslow. » Geoscience Canada, volume 26, numéro 2, june 1999, p. 86–88.
Gussow, W. H. (1999). W.H. Collins (1878-1937), Stellar Canadian Geologist:: Reading the Rocks, the Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972 By Morris Zaslow. Geoscience Canada, 26(2), 86–88.
- Chicago
Gussow, W. H. « W.H. Collins (1878-1937), Stellar Canadian Geologist:: Reading the Rocks, the Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972 By Morris Zaslow ». Geoscience Canada 26, no 2 (1999) : 86–88.
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