Citer cet article
Nowlan, Godfrey S. « The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998. » Geoscience Canada, volume 25, numéro 2, june 1998, p. 49–56.
Nowlan, G. S. (1998). The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998. Geoscience Canada, 25(2), 49–56.
- Chicago
Nowlan, Godfrey S. « The Changing Landscape of Earth Sciences in Canada: A Story of Erosion and Uplift: GAC Presidential Address, Annual Meeting, Quebec City Quebec, 18 May 1998 ». Geoscience Canada 25, no 2 (1998) : 49–56.
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