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Sarjeant, William A. S. « The Travels of George M. Dawson with the British North America Boundary Commission in the Year 1873; To the Charlottes. George Dawson's 1878 Survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands; No Ordinary Man. George Dawson — 1849-1901. » Geoscience Canada, volume 21, numéro 3, september 1994, p. 151–151.
Sarjeant, W. A. S. (1994). Compte rendu de [The Travels of George M. Dawson with the British North America Boundary Commission in the Year 1873; To the Charlottes. George Dawson's 1878 Survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands; No Ordinary Man. George Dawson — 1849-1901]. Geoscience Canada, 21(3), 151–151.
- Chicago
Sarjeant, William A. S. « The Travels of George M. Dawson with the British North America Boundary Commission in the Year 1873; To the Charlottes. George Dawson's 1878 Survey of the Queen Charlotte Islands; No Ordinary Man. George Dawson — 1849-1901 ». Geoscience Canada 21, no 3 (1994) : 151–151.
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