Citer cet article
Nowlan, Godfrey S. et Alan V. Morgan. « United States Geoscientists Target Earth Science Education: A Report on the Meeting to Establish the Coalition for Earth Science Education. » Geoscience Canada, volume 20, numéro 4, december 1993, p. 178–181.
Nowlan, G. S. & Morgan, A. V. (1993). United States Geoscientists Target Earth Science Education: A Report on the Meeting to Establish the Coalition for Earth Science Education. Geoscience Canada, 20(4), 178–181.
- Chicago
Nowlan, Godfrey S. et Morgan, Alan V. « United States Geoscientists Target Earth Science Education: A Report on the Meeting to Establish the Coalition for Earth Science Education ». Geoscience Canada 20, no 4 (1993) : 178–181.
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