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Church, W. R. « COMMENT on "Serpentine seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program: Dr. Hess would be pleased". » Geoscience Canada, volume 17, numéro 3, september 1990, p. 201–201.
Church, W. R. (1990). COMMENT on "Serpentine seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program: Dr. Hess would be pleased". Geoscience Canada, 17(3), 201–201.
- Chicago
Church, W. R. « COMMENT on "Serpentine seamounts of Pacific fore-arcs drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program: Dr. Hess would be pleased" ». Geoscience Canada 17, no 3 (1990) : 201–201.
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