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Heginbottom, J. A. et J. S. Vincent. « Joint Canadian-American Workshop on Correlation of Quaternary Deposits and Events in the Area Around the Beaufort Sea. » Geoscience Canada, volume 12, numéro 2, june 1985, p. 68–69.
Heginbottom, J. A. & Vincent, J. S. (1985). Joint Canadian-American Workshop on Correlation of Quaternary Deposits and Events in the Area Around the Beaufort Sea. Geoscience Canada, 12(2), 68–69.
- Chicago
Heginbottom, J. A. et Vincent, J. S. « Joint Canadian-American Workshop on Correlation of Quaternary Deposits and Events in the Area Around the Beaufort Sea ». Geoscience Canada 12, no 2 (1985) : 68–69.
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