Volume 2, numéro 4, november 1975
Sommaire (24 articles)
Conference Reports / Compte rendus de réunions
The Early History of the Earth
Third International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Asbestos Minerals
Second Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering
The Thermal Regime of Glaciers and Ice Sheets
Exploration Update '75
18th Conference on Great Lakes Research
Workshop on Computer-Based Systems for Spatial Data in the Geological Sciences
Features / Rubriques
Book Reviews / Critiques
Reading the Rocks - The Study of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972
Sedimentary Rocks, Third Edition
Pelagic Sediments: On Land and Under the Sea
Depositional Environments as Interpreted from Primary Sedimentary Structures and Stratification Sequences
Tectonics and Sedimentation
Plate Tectonics - Assessments and Reassessments
The Geology of Continental Margins
A Textbook on Geonomy
Introduction to Theoretical Geophysics
Concepts in Geostatistics
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