First Peoples Child & Family Review
An Interdisciplinary Journal Honouring the Voices, Perspectives, and Knowledges of First Peoples through Research, Critical Analyses, Stories, Standpoints and Media Reviews

Volume 14, numéro 1, 2019 Special Issue: Celebrating 15 Years of Wisdom

Sommaire (17 articles)

  1. Foreword
  2. (Editorial) Indigenous Child Welfare Legislation: A Historical Change or Another Paper Tiger?
  3. Aboriginal Social Work Education in Canada: Decolonizing Pedagogy for the Seventh Generation
  4. Indigenous Wholistic Theory: A Knowledge Set for Practice
  5. Family Counselling as Decolonization: Exploring an Indigenous Social-Constructivist Approach in Clinical Practice
  6. Culturally Restorative Child Welfare Practice: A Special Emphasis on Cultural Attachment Theory
  7. A Way of Life: Indigenous Perspectives on Anti-Oppressive Living
  8. Aboriginal Youth Talk About Structural Determinants as the Causes of Their Homelessness
  9. A Review of the Literature on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Participatory Action Research
  10. Conversational Method in Indigenous Research
  11. The Occasional Evil of Angels: Learning From the Experiences of Aboriginal Peoples and Social Work
  12. Contemporary Practice of Traditional Aboriginal Child Rearing: A Review
  13. Historical Trauma, Race-Based Trauma, and Resilience of Indigenous Peoples: A Literature Review
  14. Healing Through Culture for Incarcerated Aboriginal People
  15. Reflections on Intergenerational Trauma: Healing as a Critical Intervention
  16. Intergenerational Trauma and Aboriginal Women: Implications for Mental Health During Pregnancy
  17. Domestic Sex Trafficking of Aboriginal Girls in Canada: Issues and Implications

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