James Mutch, whaler and manager of the Scottish whaling station at Kekerten in Cumberland Sound, assisted Franz Boas in his field study of Inuit culture from 1883 to 1884. Subsequently, the two men carried out an extensive correspondence, lasting over thirty years. At Boas invitation, Mutch made three collections of ethnographic material for the American Museum of Natural History, which allowed Boas to publish two major works on Inuit material and intellectual culture without venturing north again. Mutch’s contribution to our knowledge of Inuit culture has never been described and has therefore gone unrecognised.
James Mutch, baleinier et gérant du petit port baleinier écossais de Kekerten, situé dans le chenal de Cumberland, avait apporté son aide à Franz Boas lorsque celui-ci effectuait son étude de terrain de la culture inuit entre 1883 et 1884. Par la suite, les deux hommes entretinrent une abondante correspondance, qui dura plus de 30 ans. À la suggestion de Boas, Mutch rassembla trois collections de matériel ethnographique pour l’American Museum of Natural History, qui permirent à Boas de publier deux ouvrages majeurs sur la culture matérielle et intellectuelle des Inuit sans avoir à s’aventurer de nouveau dans le Nord. La contribution de Mutch à notre connaissance de la culture inuit n’a jamais été décrite et, donc, n’a jamais été reconnue.
Parties annexes
- BOAS, Franz, n.d.a Boas to Mathias (sic: Mutch), [1883], APS.
- BOAS, Franz, n.d.b Boas to Noble, [1883], APS.
- BOAS, Franz, 1897 Boas to Mutch, 14 May, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1898 Boas to Kroeber, 5 November 5, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1899 Boas to Mutch, 22 December, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1900a Boas to Mutch, 2 February, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1900b Boas to Jesup, 3 February, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1900c Boas to Jesup, 25 April, AMNH (1902-9).
- BOAS, Franz, 1901a Boas to Mutch, 1 June, AMNH (1900-5).
- BOAS, Franz, 1901b Boas to Noble, 25 June, AMNH (Box 13, Folder 3, Correspondence).
- BOAS, Franz, 1903a Boas to Bumpus, 10 February, AMNH (1903-1).
- BOAS, Franz, 1903b Boas to Jesup, 8 April, AMNH (Box 9, Folder 19, Correspondence).
- BOAS, Franz, 1903c Boas to Mutch, 15 April, AMNH (1908-10).
- BOAS, Franz, 1903d Boas to Mutch, 8 May, AMNH (1908-10).
- BOAS, Franz, 1904 Boas to Mutch, 18 January, AMNH (1908-10).
- BOAS, Franz, 1906 Boas to Bumpus, 7 April, AMNH, General Files, File 939.
- BOAS, Franz, 1910 Boas to Mutch, 5 March, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1885 Mutch to Boas, 18 November, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1886 Mutch to Boas, 14 January, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1897a Mutch to Boas, 28 April, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1897b Mutch to Boas, 9 June, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1899a Mutch to Boas, 20 November, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1899b Mutch to Boas, 29 November, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1900a Mutch to Boas, 28 February, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1900b Mutch to Boas, 4 June, AMNH (1900-5).
- MUTCH, James, 1902 Mutch to Boas, 22 December, AMNH (1902-9).
- MUTCH, James, 1903a Mutch to Boas, 28 April, AMNH (1908-10).
- MUTCH, James, 1903b Mutch to Boas, 22 June, AMNH (1908-10).
- MUTCH, James, 1906 Mutch to Boas, 13 January, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1907 Mutch to Boas, 27 December, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1908 Mutch to Boas, 02 January, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1910a Mutch to Boas, 10 April, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1910b Mutch to Boas, 13 December, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1913 Mutch to Boas, 7 January, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1918 Mutch to Boas, 12 May, APS.
- MUTCH, James, 1922 Mutch to Boas, 27 November, APS.
- MUTCH, Jessie, 1901 Jessie Mutch to Boas, 31 December, AMNH (1902-9).
- BOAS, Franz, 1884 A Journey in Cumberland Sound and on the West Shore of Davis Strait in 1883 and 1884, Journal of the American Geographical Society, 16: 242-272.
- BOAS, Franz, 1885 Baffin-Land: Geographische Ergebnisse einer in den Jahren 1883 und 1884 ausgeführten Forschungreise, Petermanns Mitteilungen, supplement, 80: 1-100.
- BOAS, Franz, 1888 The Central Eskimo, Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Department of Ethnology, Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology 1884-85 [1888]: 399-669.
- BOAS, Franz, 1901 The Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson Bay, From Notes Collected by Capt. George Comer, Capt. James S. Mutch, and Rev. E. J. Peck, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 15(1): 1-370.
- BOAS, Franz, 1907 Second Report on the Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson Bay, From Notes Collected by Capt. George Comer, Capt. James S. Mutch, and Rev. E. J. Peck, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 15(2): 371-570.
- COLE, Douglas, 1983 The Value of a Person Lies in his ‘Herzensbildung’. Franz Boas’ Baffin Island Letter Diary, 1883-1885, in George W. Stocking, Jr. (ed.), Observers Observed: Essays on Ethnographic Fieldwork, Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, History of Anthropology, I: 13-52.
- COLE, Douglas, 1985 Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts, Vancouver, UBC Press.
- COLE, Douglas, 1999 Franz Boas: The Early Years, 1858-1906, Vancouver, Douglas and McIntyre.
- COLE, Douglas and Ludger MÜLLER-WILLE, 1984 Franz Boas’ Expedition to Baffin Island, 1883-1884, Études/Inuit/Studies, 8(1): 37-63.
- DARNELL, Regna, 1998 And Along Came Boas: Continuity and Revolution in American Anthropology, Philadelphia and Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- KNÖTSCH, Carol Cathleen, 1993 Franz Boas’ Research Trip to Baffin Island 1882-1884, Polar Geography and Geology, 17(1): 3-54.
- LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich OOSTEN and François TRUDEL, 2006 Apostle to the Inuit: The Journals and Ethnographic Notes of Edmund James Peck, The Baffin Years, 1894-1905, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
- MÜLLER-WILLE, Ludger (ed.), 1998 Franz Boas among the Inuit of Baffin Island 1883-1884: Journals & Letters, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
- MUTCH, James, 1906[1907]Whaling in Ponds Bay, in Berthold Laufer and H. A. Andrews (eds), Boas Anniversary Volume: Anthropological Papers Written in Honor of Franz Boas Presented to Him on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of His Doctorate, New York, G. E. Stechert: 485-500.
- ROHNER, Ronald P. (ed.), 1969 The Ethnography of Franz Boas, Letters and Diaries of Franz Boas Written on the Northwest Coast from 1886 to 1931, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press.
- ROSS, W. Gillies, 1984 George Comer, Franz Boas, and the American Museum of Natural History, Études/Inuit/Studies, 8(1): 145-164.
Archival Sources:
Note: AMNH stands for the American Museum of Natural History, New York (Division of Anthropology Archives), unless otherwise noted. APS stands for American Philosophical Society, Boas Professional Papers.