“Art as a way of knowledge” examines ways in which themes of spiritual development and ultimate transformation can be expressed through movement. The discussion follows the artist through the phases of creation of a dance video, Animus, and offers a Jungian interpretation of the piece. Animus looks at one woman’s journey of spiritual transformation. It shows a central female character (the anima), moving in and out of relationship with three male characters, two human and one animal, who represent her masculine side, or animus. Moving through a dreamscape of her own unconscious, she begins to interact more consciously with her masculine side and eventually comes to terms with it. Ultimately, she overcomes fragmentation and integrates male and female, spirit and body in the composite symbol of the Self at the end.
Cet article examine les voies par lesquelles certaines formes de développement spirituel et de transformation ultime peuvent être exprimées par le mouvement. Cette présentation suit l’artiste à travers les différentes phases de la création d’une vidéo de danse, Animus, sous l’angle d’une interprétation jungienne de cette oeuvre. Animus est un regard porté sur le voyage vers la transformation spirituelle d’une femme. Il montre un personnage féminin principal (l’anima) en une relation alternée avec trois personnages mâles, deux humains et un animal, qui représentent son côté masculin, ou animus. Se déplaçant à travers le paysage rêvé de son propre inconscient, elle entre plus consciemment en interaction avec son côté masculin et finit par pactiser avec lui. De manière ultime, elle surmonte la fragmentation en intégrant les aspects masculin et féminin, spirituel et corporel, dans la composition symbolique du Soi.
Parties annexes
- Albright, Ann Cooper. 2001. “À Corps Ouverts: Changement et échange d’identités dans la Capoeria et le contact improvisation”. Protée 29 (2) : 39-49.
- Animus. 2002. Videocassette. Dir. Brenda Cantelo.
- Bertine, Eleanor. 1967. Jung’sContribution to Our Time. New York: C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Pscyhology.
- Carter, Curtis. 2000. “Improvisation in Dance.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2): 181-191. Retrieved December 20, 2001 from Ebsco, No AN 3067532. http://ehostvgw12.epnet.com/ehost.asp?key=
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- Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1975. Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Foster, Susan Leigh. 1986. Reading Dancing: Bodies and Subjects in Contemporary American Dance. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- ______. 2001. “Improviser L’autre: Spontanéité et structure dans la danse expérimentale contemporaine”. Protée 29 (2): 25-38.
- Henderson, Joseph. 1964. “Ancient Myths and Modern Man”. In Carl Jung et al., Man and His Symbols. New York, Dell Publishing: 95-156.
- Highwater, Jamake. 1996. Dance: Rituals of Experience. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Jung, Carl. 1971. C.G. Jung: Psychological Reflections: A New Anthology of His Writings 1905-1961, Jolande Jacobi (ed.). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
- ______et al. 1964. Man and His Symbols. New York: Dell Publishing.
- LaMothe, Kimerer. 2001. “Sacred Dance”. Dance Magazine 75 (12 ): 64-66. Retrieved December 20, 2001 from Ebsco No AN 5540998. http://ehostvgw12.epnet.com/ehost.asp?key=204.179. 122.141_8000_779837261&site=ehost&return=y
- McPherson, Susan. 2000. Encyclopedia of Theatre Dance in Canada. Toronto: Dance Collection Press.
- Miller, Kamae (ed.) 1997. Wisdom Comes Dancing: Selected Writings of Ruth St. Denis on Dance, Spirituality and the Body. Seattle: Peace Works.
- Murray, Jan. 1979. Dance Now. Markham, ON: Penguin Books.
- Ram, Kalpana. 2000. “Listening to the Call of Dance: Re-thinking Authenticity and Essentialism”. Australian Journal of Anthropology 11 (3): 356-365. Retrieved December 20, 2001 from Ebsco No AN 3762265. http://ehostvgw12.epnet.com/ehost.asp? key= 8000_779837261&site=ehost&return=y
- Siegel, Marcia B. 2001. “The Harsh, Splendid Heroines of Martha Graham”. In Ann Dils and Ann Cooper Albright (eds.), Moving History/Dancing Cultures: A Dance History Reader. Middletown (Connecticut), Wesleyan University: 307-314.
- Von Franz, Marie-Louise. 1964. “The Process of Individuation”. In Carl Jung et al.,Man and His Symbols. New York, Dell Publishers: 157-254.
- Weeks, Janet. 2001. “Making Divine Dances”. Dance Magazine 75 (12): 62-66. Retrieved December 20, 2001 from Ebsco, No AN 5540986. http://ehostvgw12.epnet.com/ehost.asp?key= 204.179.122. 141_8000_779837261&site=ehost&return=y.