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Maynard, Lara. « Devine’s Folk Lore of Newfoundland in Old Words, Phrases and Expressions, Their Origin and Meaning. Compiled by P. K. [Patrick Kevin] Devine. (St. John’s, Newfoundland: Robinson & Co., Ltd., Printers, 1937. Reprinted St John’s, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Publications, 1997. Pp.iii-v + 81. Preface by Philip Hiscock. $8.95, ISBN: 0-88901-317-9, pbk.). » Ethnologies, volume 22, numéro 2, 2000, p. 306–309.
Maynard, L. (2000). Compte rendu de [Devine’s Folk Lore of Newfoundland in Old Words, Phrases and Expressions, Their Origin and Meaning. Compiled by P. K. [Patrick Kevin] Devine. (St. John’s, Newfoundland: Robinson & Co., Ltd., Printers, 1937. Reprinted St John’s, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Publications, 1997. Pp.iii-v + 81. Preface by Philip Hiscock. $8.95, ISBN: 0-88901-317-9, pbk.)]. Ethnologies, 22(2), 306–309.
- Chicago
Maynard, Lara « Devine’s Folk Lore of Newfoundland in Old Words, Phrases and Expressions, Their Origin and Meaning. Compiled by P. K. [Patrick Kevin] Devine. (St. John’s, Newfoundland: Robinson & Co., Ltd., Printers, 1937. Reprinted St John’s, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Publications, 1997. Pp.iii-v + 81. Preface by Philip Hiscock. $8.95, ISBN: 0-88901-317-9, pbk.) ». Ethnologies 22, no 2 (2000) : 306–309.
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