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Taft, Michael. « Folktales of Newfoundland: The Resilience of the Oral Tradition. By Herbert Halpert and J. D. A. Widdowson, editors, with the assistance of Martin J. Lovelace and Eileen Collins; music transcription and commentary by Julia C. Bishop (New York: Garland, World Folktale Library vol. 3, Garland Reference Library vol. 1856,1996.2 vols. Pp. xcv+ 1175, Indices, ISBN 0-8153-1736-0 cloth.) [Distributed in Canada through Breakwater, $250.00, ISBN 1-55081- 029-4]. » Ethnologies, volume 22, numéro 1, 2000, p. 291–296.
Taft, M. (2000). Compte rendu de [Folktales of Newfoundland: The Resilience of the Oral Tradition. By Herbert Halpert and J. D. A. Widdowson, editors, with the assistance of Martin J. Lovelace and Eileen Collins; music transcription and commentary by Julia C. Bishop (New York: Garland, World Folktale Library vol. 3, Garland Reference Library vol. 1856,1996.2 vols. Pp. xcv+ 1175, Indices, ISBN 0-8153-1736-0 cloth.) [Distributed in Canada through Breakwater, $250.00, ISBN 1-55081- 029-4]]. Ethnologies, 22(1), 291–296.
- Chicago
Taft, Michael « Folktales of Newfoundland: The Resilience of the Oral Tradition. By Herbert Halpert and J. D. A. Widdowson, editors, with the assistance of Martin J. Lovelace and Eileen Collins; music transcription and commentary by Julia C. Bishop (New York: Garland, World Folktale Library vol. 3, Garland Reference Library vol. 1856,1996.2 vols. Pp. xcv+ 1175, Indices, ISBN 0-8153-1736-0 cloth.) [Distributed in Canada through Breakwater, $250.00, ISBN 1-55081- 029-4] ». Ethnologies 22, no 1 (2000) : 291–296.
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