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Koven, Mikel J. « Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. By Mike Featherstone. (London: Sage, in association with Theory, Culture and Society, School of Human Studies, University of Teesside, 1995. Pp. x + 178, index, preface, references, ISBN 0-8039-7606-2 pbk.). » Ethnologies, volume 19, numéro 1, 1997, p. 149–151.
Koven, M. J. (1997). Compte rendu de [Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. By Mike Featherstone. (London: Sage, in association with Theory, Culture and Society, School of Human Studies, University of Teesside, 1995. Pp. x + 178, index, preface, references, ISBN 0-8039-7606-2 pbk.)]. Ethnologies, 19(1), 149–151.
- Chicago
Koven, Mikel J. « Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity. By Mike Featherstone. (London: Sage, in association with Theory, Culture and Society, School of Human Studies, University of Teesside, 1995. Pp. x + 178, index, preface, references, ISBN 0-8039-7606-2 pbk.) ». Ethnologies 19, no 1 (1997) : 149–151.
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