Volume 2, numéro 1-2, 1980
Sommaire (17 articles)
Note de recherche / Notes
Notes critiques / Review Articles
Comptes rendus / Book Reviews
Les artisans traditionnels de l'est du Québec. Par Bernard Genest, René Bouchard, Lise Cyret Yvan Chouinard. (Québec: Les cahiers du patrimoine, no 12, Direction générale du patrimoine, ministère des Affaires culturelles, 1979, 391, p. ill. 8$)
"Bloody Decks and a Bumper Crop": The Rhetoric of Sealing Counter-Project. By Cynthia Lamson (St. John's: Institute for Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1979. Social and Economie Studies No. 24. Pp. viii +113, illus., index. No price given.)
The Bread Ovens of Quebec. By Lise Boily (Blanchette) and Jean-François Blanchette. (Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1979. Pp. 119, illustrations, photographs, list of informants, bibliography. $8.95)
Everyman's Heritage: An Album of Canadian Folk Life / Notre patrimoine: Images du peuple canadien. By Magnus Einarsson (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, National Museum of Man, 1978. Pp. 201, photographs, $8.50 paper, $12.50 cloth.)
Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia. By Helen Creighton and Calum MacLeod (Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1979. Pp. 308, photographs. $9.50 paper.)
Joe Scott: The Woodsman-Songmaker. By Edward D. Ives (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978. Pp. 475. $22.50 cloth.)
Lunenburg County Folklore and Oral History: Project '77. Edited by Laurie Lacey (Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1979. CCFCS Mercury Series 30. 142 pp.)
Religion populaire et travail. (Sudbury: Revue de l'université Laurentienne, vol. XII, no 1, novembre 1979. 130 p., ill. 5$)
Ukrainian Dumy. Trans. by George Tarnawsky and Patricia Kilina. Introduction by Natalie K. Moyle (Torontol/Cambridge: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, 1979. Pp 219. $5.95 paper, $9.95 cloth. Distributed by University of Toronto Press)