The article analyzes the capacity of Ukrainian pedagogical university faculty and students to teach remotely under unstable conditions like quarantine and martial law. Issues associated with their self-directed preparation to teach online under these conditions are also discussed. The study involved 594 students at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University (420 bachelor program students and 174 master program students), 387 faculty members (206 social sciences and liberal arts teachers, 181 natural sciences teachers), and forty-five experts (twenty-five university leaders and twenty regional stakeholders). To determine the level of skills and abilities of the pedagogical university students, the authors monitored their educational progress in fundamental, professional, and didactical disciplines beginning in June 2020 when the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic started, until June 2023 when there was a partial adaptation of teachers and students to online teaching in emergency situations. Included in this period was the point at which Russia’s invasion of Ukraine peaked in intensity, June 2022. The authors propose organizational and methodological activities to help improve the skills that pedagogical university teachers and students need for online teaching under quarantine and martial law. The effectiveness of the applied experimental methods was determined by analytical reports of all faculties regarding the quality of the acquired knowledge. Statistical analysis was used to determine the results of expert evaluation.
- COVID-19 pandemic,
- distance learning,
- martial law,
- online learning,
- quarantine,
- self-directed learning
L’article analyse la disposition des professeurs et des étudiants des universités pédagogiques ukrainiennes à enseigner à distance dans des conditions instables telles que la quarantaine et la loi martiale. Les problèmes associés à leur préparation autonome à enseigner en ligne dans ces conditions sont également abordés. L'étude a impliqué 594 étudiants de l'Université pédagogique d'État de Vinnytsia (420 étudiants du programme de licence, 174 étudiants du programme de master), 387 membres du corps professoral (206 professeurs de sciences sociales et d'arts libéraux, 181 professeurs de sciences naturelles) et quarante-cinq experts (25 dirigeants d'université et vingt acteurs régionaux). Pour déterminer le niveau de compétences et d'aptitudes des étudiants universitaires pédagogiques, les auteurs ont suivi leurs progrès pédagogiques dans les disciplines fondamentales, professionnelles et didactiques à partir de juin 2020, lorsque la première vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 a commencé, jusqu'en juin 2023, date à laquelle était une adaptation partielle des enseignants et des étudiants à l’enseignement en ligne dans les situations d’urgence. Cette période comprend le moment où l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie a culminé en intensité, en juin 2022. Les auteurs proposent des activités organisationnelles et méthodologiques pour contribuer à améliorer les compétences dont les enseignants et étudiants pédagogiques universitaires ont besoin pour l’enseignement en ligne sous quarantaine et loi martiale. L'efficacité des méthodes expérimentales appliquées a été déterminée par les rapports analytiques de toutes les facultés concernant la qualité des connaissances acquises. L'analyse statistique a été utilisée pour déterminer les résultats de l'évaluation des experts.
Mots-clés :
- Pandémie de COVID-19,
- enseignement à distance,
- loi martiale,
- apprentissage en ligne,
- quarantaine,
- apprentissage autonome
El artículo analiza la disposición de los profesores y estudiantes de las universidades pedagógicas de Ucrania para enseñar a distancia en condiciones inestables como la cuarentena y la ley marcial. También se analizan cuestiones asociadas con su preparación autodirigida para enseñar en línea en estas condiciones. En el estudio participaron 594 estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Vinnytsia (420 estudiantes de licenciatura, 174 estudiantes de maestría), 387 profesores (206 profesores de ciencias sociales y artes liberales, 181 profesores de ciencias naturales) y cuarenta y cinco expertos (25 líderes universitarios y veinte actores regionales). Para determinar el nivel de competencias y habilidades de los estudiantes universitarios pedagógicos, los autores monitorearon su progreso educativo en disciplinas fundamentales, profesionales y didácticas desde junio de 2020, cuando comenzó la primera ola de la pandemia COVID-19, hasta junio de 2023 cuando comenzó Fue una adaptación parcial de profesores y estudiantes a la enseñanza en línea en situaciones de emergencia. En este período se incluyó el punto en el que la invasión rusa de Ucrania alcanzó su punto máximo de intensidad, junio de 2022. Los autores proponen actividades organizativas y metodológicas para ayudar a mejorar las habilidades que los profesores y estudiantes universitarios pedagógicos necesitan para la enseñanza en línea bajo cuarentena y ley marcial. La efectividad de los métodos experimentales aplicados estuvo determinada por los informes analíticos de todas las facultades sobre la calidad de los conocimientos adquiridos. Se utilizó análisis estadístico para determinar los resultados de la evaluación de expertos.
Palabras clave:
- Pandemia de COVID-19,
- educación a distancia,
- ley marcial,
- aprendizaje en línea,
- cuarentena,
- aprendizaje autodirigido
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Parties annexes
Biographical notes
Alla M. Kolomiiets, Doctor of Arts (Pedagogy), PhD (Phys. & Math.), Full Professor, the Vice-Rector in Scientific Work at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). As a Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Professional Education and Educational Institutions’ Management she lectures on various academic disciplines including «Methodology and Principles of Scientific Research» and «Philosophical principles and methodology of scientific pedagogical research» for postgraduate students. The scope of her scientific interests embraces such branches of Pedagogy as Natural and Mathematical Education, Professional Education, Informatics in Teacher Training, Methodology of Scientific Research, Informational Culture, and Management of Scientific Research Activity. She is the author of numerous books, textbooks and more than 300 scientific articles published both in domestic (Ukrainian) and foreign specialized journals.
Ievgen V. Gromov, Doctor of Arts (Pedagogy), Full Professor, the Head of Research & Development Office at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). As a Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Professional Education and Educational Institutions’ Management he lectures on «Comparative Education», «Methodology and Principles of Scientific Research» and «Innovative Project Activity and Grant-writing» for postgraduate students. The scope of his scientific interests embraces such branches of Pedagogy as Comparative Education, Professional Education, Methodology of Scientific Research, Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. He is the author of a monograph, several textbooks and more than 70 scientific articles published both in domestic (Ukrainian) and foreign specialized journals. His publications are devoted mostly to the problems of teaching process improvement at higher education institutions.
Olesia V. Zhovnych, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). As an Associate Professor at the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages she lectures on «Foreign Language for Professional Communication», «Foreign Language for Academic Communication», «Methods of forming competence in the field of foreign language education». The scope of her scientific interests embraces, Philology, Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Interactive Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages. She is the author of several textbooks and more than 30 scientific articles published both in domestic (Ukrainian) and foreign specialized journals. Her publications are devoted mostly to the problems of teaching process improvement at higher education institutions.
Olena M. Ihnatova, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Dean at the Department of Foreign Languages at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). As an Associate Professor at the Department of German Philology she lectures on «German for Professional Communication», «German for Academic Communication». The scope of her scientific interests embraces, Philology, Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Interactive Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages. She is the author of several textbooks and more than 40 scientific articles published both in domestic (Ukrainian) and foreign specialized journals. Her publications are devoted mostly to the problems of teaching process improvement at higher education institutions.
Dmytro I. Kolomiiets, PhD (Pedagogy), Professor at Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). As a Professor at the Department of Technologies and Safe Behavior Culture he lectures on «Production Technologies», «Basics of Safe Behavior Culture», and «Methodology of Scientific Research». He is the author of several textbooks and more than 60 scientific articles published both in domestic (Ukrainian) and foreign specialized journals. His publications are devoted mostly to the issues of teaching process improvement at higher education institutions