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Zimmermann Brendel, Maria. « New position in media art-installations / From Spark to Pixel: Art + New Media, Martin-Gropius-Bau. Berlin. October 27, 2007 — January 14, 2008. » ETC, numéro 82, juin–juillet–août 2008, p. 63–67.
Zimmermann Brendel, M. (2008). Compte rendu de [New position in media art-installations / From Spark to Pixel: Art + New Media, Martin-Gropius-Bau. Berlin. October 27, 2007 — January 14, 2008]. ETC, (82), 63–67.
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Zimmermann Brendel, Maria « New position in media art-installations / From Spark to Pixel: Art + New Media, Martin-Gropius-Bau. Berlin. October 27, 2007 — January 14, 2008 ». ETC no 82 (2008) : 63–67.
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