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Kaplan, Steven. « New York Scene / Christopher Lucas, Passage, John Good Gallery, New York, April 15 to May 13,1989 / Andrew Masullo, fiction/nonfiction, New York, April 6 to April 29,1989 / David Wojnarowicz, In The Shadow of Forward Motion, P.P.O.W., New York, February 8 to March 4,1989. » ETC, numéro 9, automne 1989, p. 79–81.
Kaplan, S. (1989). Compte rendu de [New York Scene / Christopher Lucas, Passage, John Good Gallery, New York, April 15 to May 13,1989 / Andrew Masullo, fiction/nonfiction, New York, April 6 to April 29,1989 / David Wojnarowicz, In The Shadow of Forward Motion, P.P.O.W., New York, February 8 to March 4,1989]. ETC, (9), 79–81.
- Chicago
Kaplan, Steven « New York Scene / Christopher Lucas, Passage, John Good Gallery, New York, April 15 to May 13,1989 / Andrew Masullo, fiction/nonfiction, New York, April 6 to April 29,1989 / David Wojnarowicz, In The Shadow of Forward Motion, P.P.O.W., New York, February 8 to March 4,1989 ». ETC no 9 (1989) : 79–81.
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