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Moser, Gabrielle. « Chronicles of a Disappearance, DHC/ART Foundation for Contemporary Art, Montréal, January 19 – May 13, 2012. » esse arts + opinions, numéro 75, printemps–été 2012, p. 77–77.
Moser, G. (2012). Compte rendu de [Chronicles of a Disappearance, DHC/ART Foundation for Contemporary Art, Montréal, January 19 – May 13, 2012]. esse arts + opinions, (75), 77–77.
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Moser, Gabrielle « Chronicles of a Disappearance, DHC/ART Foundation for Contemporary Art, Montréal, January 19 – May 13, 2012 ». esse arts + opinions no 75 (2012) : 77–77.
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