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Ellenwood, Ray. « The Passion of the Patenteux / Peter Alexander Pór, Tribute to the Cathars Persona Non Grata –The Veil of History Exhibition Bezpala Brown Gallery, Toronto February 5-25, 2011. » Espace Sculpture, numéro 101, automne 2012, p. 52–52.
Ellenwood, R. (2012). Compte rendu de [The Passion of the Patenteux / Peter Alexander Pór, Tribute to the Cathars Persona Non Grata –The Veil of History Exhibition Bezpala Brown Gallery, Toronto February 5-25, 2011]. Espace Sculpture, (101), 52–52.
- Chicago
Ellenwood, Ray « The Passion of the Patenteux / Peter Alexander Pór, Tribute to the Cathars Persona Non Grata –The Veil of History Exhibition Bezpala Brown Gallery, Toronto February 5-25, 2011 ». Espace Sculpture no 101 (2012) : 52–52.
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