Parties annexes
- Ahmed, Sara. Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post-Coloniality. Routledge Taylor and Francis, 2000.
- Bakhtin, Mikhail. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press, 1981.
- Barthes, Roland. “The Death of the Author.” The Book History Reader. Eds. David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery. Routledge, 2006. 278–80.
- Bernstein, Charles, ed. Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word. Oxford UP, 1998.
- Bourriaud, Nicolas. Relational Aesthetics. Les Presses du réel, 2009.
- Ferrier, Ian. “Oral history interview: Ian Ferrier and Klara du Plessis.” By Klara du Plessis, 3 June 2022.
- Foucault, Michel. “What Is an Author?” The Book History Reader. Eds. David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery. Routledge, 2006. 281–91
- Glissant, Édouard. Poetics of Relation. Trans. Betsy Wing. The University of Michigan Press, 1997.
- Kellough, Kaie. “Fire in the Mainframe: The Sir George Williams Computer Center Occupation of 1969 as Narrative.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 44 (March 2022): 25–32.
- Kellough, Kaie. Magnetic Equator. McClelland and Stewart, 2019.
- Kellough, Kaie. Maple Leaf Rag. ARP Books, 2010.
- Kellough, Kaie. “Oral history interview: Kaie Kellough and Klara du Plessis.” By Klara du Plessis, 27 May 2022.
- McLeod, Katherine. “The Voice that Is the Poem.” SpokenWeb Shortcuts Podcast. Season 3, episode 5, 21 February 2022.
- Perloff, Marjorie. “Screening the Page/Paging the Screen: Digital Poetics and the Differential Text.” New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories. Eds. Adalaide Morris and Thomas Swiss. MIT Press, 2006.
- Rogoff, Irit. “Becoming Research.” The Curatorial in Parallax. What Museums Do, 2018. 39–52.
- Stanton, Victoria, and Vincent Tinguely. Impure: Reinventing the Word. The Theory, Practice, and Oral History of “Spoken Word” in Montreal. Conundrum Press, 2001.
- Vernon, Karina. The Black Prairie Archives. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2020.
- von Bismarck, Beatrice. The Curatorial Condition. Sternberg Press, 2022.
- Words and Music Show. 2001–2019. SpokenWeb.