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Tcheuyap, Alexie. « ARNDT Susan, African Women's Literature : Orature and Intertextuality. Igbo Oral Narratives as Nigerian Women Writers' Models and Objects of Writing Back. Translated by Isabel Cole. Bayreuth African Studies n°48, 1998, 410 p., bibl, index. » Études littéraires africaines, numéro 13, 2002, p. 76–79.
Tcheuyap, A. (2002). Compte rendu de [ARNDT Susan, African Women's Literature : Orature and Intertextuality. Igbo Oral Narratives as Nigerian Women Writers' Models and Objects of Writing Back. Translated by Isabel Cole. Bayreuth African Studies n°48, 1998, 410 p., bibl, index]. Études littéraires africaines, (13), 76–79.
- Chicago
Tcheuyap, Alexie « ARNDT Susan, African Women's Literature : Orature and Intertextuality. Igbo Oral Narratives as Nigerian Women Writers' Models and Objects of Writing Back. Translated by Isabel Cole. Bayreuth African Studies n°48, 1998, 410 p., bibl, index ». Études littéraires africaines no 13 (2002) : 76–79.
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