Volume 24, numéro 1, 1993 Migrations et relations transnationales Sous la direction de Catherine Wihtol de Wenden et Bertrand Badie
Sommaire (44 articles)
Flux migratoires et relations transnationales
Un reflet du monde : les migrations internationales en perspective historique
Immigration et logiques d'États dans les relations internationales
Causes et conséquences économiques de la migration internationale - théorie et réalité
Nationalité, migration et relations internationales
Question migratoire, sécurité et coopération en Méditerranée occidentale
Migrations et imaginaires sociaux à l'épreuve de la guerre du Golfe
L'immigration ouest-africaine en Europe
L'immigration africaine en Italie : le cas sénégalais
Migrations de l'Est : où en est-on trois ans après la chute du mur de Berlin ?
Migrations et droits de l'homme en Europe
Chronique des relations extérieures du Canada et du Québec
Étude bibliographique
Comptes rendus : Théories, idéologies et problèmes internationaux
BENEDICK, Richard Elliot. Ozone Diplomacy: New Directions in Safeguarding the Planet. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1991,320 p.
CARSTAIRS, Charles and WARE, Richard (Eds.). Parliament and International Relations. Bristol (PA), Open University Press, 1991,207 p.
DORAN, Charles F. Systems in Crisis, New Imperatives of High Politics at Century's End. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1991,312 p.
PORTER, Gareth et BROWN, Janet Welsh. Global Environmental Politics. Boulder (Col), West-view Press, 1991, 224 p.
VAUBEL, Roland, et WILLETT, Thomas D. (Ed.). The Political Economy of International Organizations: A Public Choice Approach. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, 1991,319 p.
Comptes rendus : Économie internationale
Comptes rendus : Histoire des relations internationales
Cviic, Christopher. Remaking the Balkans. New York, The Royal Institute of International Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991, 124 p.
GOLDSTONE, Jack A., CURR, Ted Robert and MOSHIRI Farrokh, (Ed.). Revolutions of the Late Twentieth Century. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, 1991, 407 p.
HOPKINS, A. G. (Ed.). The Imperialism of the Great Powers. Six Studies. Genève, Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales, Coll. « Cahiers d'histoire et de politiques internationales, n°. 11, » 1991, 187 p.
Comptes rendus : Asie orientale
INOGUSHI, Takashi. Japan's International Relations. Boulder (Col.), Westview Press, 1991, 202 p.
REGAUD, Nicolas. Le Cambodge dans la tourmente. Le troisième conflit indochinois 1978-1991. Paris, Fondation pour les études de défense nationale - L'Harmattan, 1992, 438 p.
KINZLEY, W. Dean. Industrial Harmony in Modem Japan. The Invention of a Tradition. New York, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc., 1991,208 p.
Comptes rendus : Europe
GOMBAC, Boris. Les zones franches en Europe. Bruxelles, Éditions Emile Bruylant, 1991, 328 p.
PELASSY, Dominique. Qui gouverne en Europe ? Paris, Éditions Fayard, 1992.
PINDER, John. The European Community and Eastern Europe. New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991, 128 p.
TREVERTON G.F. (Editor). The Shape of the New Europe. New-York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1992, 240 p.
Comptes rendus : États-Unis
FEINBERG, Richard E. et Ratchick M. AVAKOV. u.s. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries. From Confrontation to Cooperation ?. Washington (D.C), Overseas Development Council Coll. u.s.-Third World Policy Perspectives, n° 15, 1991,235 p.
MANDELBAUM, Michael (Ed.). The Rise of Nations in the Soviet Union. American Foreign Policy and Disintegration of the USSR. New York, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991, 128 p.
MOCHIZUKI, Mike et al. Japan and the United States: Troubled Partners in a Changing World. Cambridge (MA), Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1991, 156 p.
SCHWOK, René, US-EC Relations in the Post-Cold Era; Conflict or Partnership ?. Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1991, 269 p.
Notices bibliographiques
CLARK, Michael T. and SERFATI, Simon (Eds.). New Thinking and Old Realities: America, Europe and Russia. Cabin John (MD), Seven Lochs Press, Published in association with The Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute, 1991,242 p.
GARDAM, John. The Canadian Peacekeeper/Le gardien de la paix canadien. Burnstown, The General Store Publishing House Inc., 1992, 69 p.
GHAI, Dharam (Ed.). The IMF and the South. The Social Impact of Crisis and Adjustment. London (Engl), Zed Books, 1991, 288 p.
GOTLIEB, Allan. The Education of a Canadian Diplomat in Washington. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991, 171 p.
KENNEDY, Ellen. The Boundesbank: Germany's Central Bank in the International Monetary System. New York, The Royal Institute of International Affairs-Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1991, 144 p.
KOVRIG, Bennett. Of Walls and Bridges. The United States and Eastern Europe. New York, New York University Press, 1991, 439 p.
SMITH, Wayne S. (ed.) Toward Resolution ? The Falklands/ Malvinas Dispute. Boulder et Londres, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1991, 168 p.