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Gosselin, Guy. « Diehl, Paul F. (Ed.) The Politics of International Organizations : Patterns and Insights. Chicago (Ill.), Dorsey Press, 1989, 480 p. / Finkelstein, Lawrence S. (sous la direction de). Politics in the United Nations System. Durham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 1988, 519 p. » Études internationales, volume 21, numéro 4, 1990, p. 878–881.
Gosselin, G. (1990). Compte rendu de [Diehl, Paul F. (Ed.) The Politics of International Organizations : Patterns and Insights. Chicago (Ill.), Dorsey Press, 1989, 480 p. / Finkelstein, Lawrence S. (sous la direction de). Politics in the United Nations System. Durham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 1988, 519 p.] Études internationales, 21(4), 878–881.
- Chicago
Gosselin, Guy « Diehl, Paul F. (Ed.) The Politics of International Organizations : Patterns and Insights. Chicago (Ill.), Dorsey Press, 1989, 480 p. / Finkelstein, Lawrence S. (sous la direction de). Politics in the United Nations System. Durham (N.C.), Duke University Press, 1988, 519 p. ». Études internationales 21, no 4 (1990) : 878–881.
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