Citer cet article
Shealo, Vyatcheslav E. « Black, J.L. Soviet Perception of Canada, 1917-1987 : An Annotated Bibliographic Guide. Volume I and II. Kingston (Ontario), Ronald P. Frye and Company, Coll. « The Centre for Canadian-Soviet Studies Bibliographic Séries, no. 1 », 1989, 252 p. » Études internationales, volume 21, numéro 3, 1990, p. 632–634.
Shealo, V. E. (1990). Compte rendu de [Black, J.L. Soviet Perception of Canada, 1917-1987 : An Annotated Bibliographic Guide. Volume I and II. Kingston (Ontario), Ronald P. Frye and Company, Coll. « The Centre for Canadian-Soviet Studies Bibliographic Séries, no. 1 », 1989, 252 p.] Études internationales, 21(3), 632–634.
- Chicago
Shealo, Vyatcheslav E. « Black, J.L. Soviet Perception of Canada, 1917-1987 : An Annotated Bibliographic Guide. Volume I and II. Kingston (Ontario), Ronald P. Frye and Company, Coll. « The Centre for Canadian-Soviet Studies Bibliographic Séries, no. 1 », 1989, 252 p. ». Études internationales 21, no 3 (1990) : 632–634.
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